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Climate of East Nusa Tenggara

East Nusa Tenggara region has a hilly nature with a dry climate. The dry climate is influenced by monsoon winds and rain have a short period as well. The dry season is longer, ie ± 8 months (April to November), whereas only 4 months of the rainy season (December to March). The average air temperature 27,60ºC 29,7˚C .. The lowest temperature is in January and the highest temperature 33,5˚C in November. Average rainfall per month for a maximum height reached only 386.3 mm (February). Dry season is very dry, even for four months never happened rain and despite the rain, the amount is not more than 290 mm, even more often under 100 mm.

Type of climate in this area is of type B to F (division by Smidt and Ferguson) and C (1.05%). Rainfall ranges from 697-2737 mm / year with the number of rainy days per year on average between 44 to 61 days. The average maximum temperature and minimum temperature 33,2˚C average 21,7˚C. Low relative humidity occurs in Southeast East season (63-76%) is from June to November and the highest humidity in Season Southwestern (82-88%) is from December to May. The highest rainfall in the western part of Flores, Sumba and Timor western central part (2000-3000 mm / yr).

The average wind speed in November until April 3 to 5 knots and wind Southeast East season occurs in May to October with the speed can reach 06-10 knots (if supported surface wind).

Nusa Tenggara eastern part of the area with a dry climate characterized by the extent of pasture. In the month from June to September the wind currents originating from Australia and do not contain a lot of moisture, resulting in dry season. In contrast to the month from December to March the wind flow contains many iar steam coming from Asia and the Pacific Ocean, causing the rainy season. The lack of rainfall in the province affected by NTT position close to Australia, where the wind currents that contains a lot of moisture from Asia and the Pacific Ocean when he reached the water vapor content of NTT has been reduced, resulting in a rainy day in NTT reduced. This situation makes the NTT as a dry region where only 4 months (January / d in March and December) that the situation is relatively wet and 8 other months are relatively dry.